Hello ladies and gentleman. My name is Laraib Asif and I will be representing my motherland Islamabad, Pakistan. I am a 21 year old student residing on my own and attending Seton Hall University completing my pre-pharmaceutical requirements. I am someone who is so attached to my family yet I have been living 5 hours away.

Laraib Asif
I want to be a part of Miss Pakistan U.S.A to corroborate that Pakistani women can embrace independence and empowerment while respecting cultural roots. I want Pakistani women all over the world to see the potential and fire within themselves and achieve their goals. I hope to change what the world perceives Pakistani women as and promote/inspire a more modern, independent yet fully cultured image. Pakistani women all over the world need to know they can fulfill their dreams and go to great lengths for them if I, a timorous girl at the age of 18 can do it. This pageant will help me encourage the Pakistani community to take part in various activities and become productive members of the society. If I became Miss Pakistan USA, I would hope to inspire The Pakistani community just as Malala Yousafzai inspired me, to stand up for my ambitions and left a positive impact on the lives of people who don’t recognize the potential within themselves.