Yuman Khan

My name is Yuman Khan, and I am from Cary, North Carolina. I am currently a dental student at Tufts School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. I am a creative, ambitious, optimistic, and down-to-earth person with a zest for life. I thrive on learning and experiencing new things whether on a professional or personal level. One of my passions is participating in projects that support vulnerable communities. For example, I have embarked on medical mission trips to Nicaragua and Pakistan. I also started an NGO that provides needed medical services to underserved areas. Throughout dental school, I have been a board member of numerous campus organizations where we organize social and academic events. I have been fortunate to achieve many goals in my life and continue to try to set new ones for myself.

I am grateful and humbled to be selected as a finalist for Miss Pakistan USA, this year. This organization is a wonderful platform for Pakistani-American women to represent their cultural heritage. If crowned the next Miss Pakistan USA, this title will open a new chapter of my life, reviving the different aspects of both the glamour industry and social services. I want to use the platform to connect and give back to the community and be a voice for them. I hope to shed light on all aspects of our culture and promote a positive image for Pakistan in America. As a titleholder, I will strive to utilize my diverse background to inspire and leave an impact on the younger generation. I want to set a positive example and inspire young Pakistani women to break through glass ceilings.

Maryam Beg

Hello, lovely person that is reading this! My name is Maryam Beg. I am 19 years old, and I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree. I am double majoring in Biological Sciences and Cultural Anthropology along with a minor in Arabic Culture and Language Studies, all while on the pre-medical track. My ultimate goal is to become a reconstructive/cosmetic plastic surgeon specializing in treating acid attack victims and cleft lip and palate patients. I am representing the state of Maryland and the city of Lahore, Pakistan. 

I am participating in this pageant for a myriad of reasons: First and foremost, I want to be a voice for the voiceless and I want to acquire more advanced skills which will aid me in helping the voiceless find their own voice! I want to continue my family’s tradition of empowering women and serving humanity, all whilst breaking cultural stereotypes. 

Irrespective of the outcome of this competition, I am sure I will acquire the proper advanced motivational skills in order to ceaselessly emerge as the strong female leader I am determined to become. 

Secondly, I want to use this large platform so I am able to network and therefore reach out to any impressionable women (or men!) in Pakistan and America who have succumbed to any social or cultural limitations, as I feel it is my passion and moral obligation. 

Furthermore, I want to change the narrative that youth cannot make a difference just yet. I want to be taken more seriously when trying to make a difference in the world since youth are belittled by their peers or elders because of their so-called “lack” of experience. I do not want to wait until medical school to make a difference in the lives of millions. I believe the time for change is now, because if not now, when?

If I am honored with winning the title of Miss Pakistan USA 2021, I will use the title to empower and be a role model for my peers as a representative for my generation. I will also use my privilege as an American citizen with medical, financial, and social resources to help Pakistan and its population flourish to the utmost extent. Subsequently, I will be able to fulfill one of my many missions and visions of bringing light and prosperity to all of Pakistan’s beauty and glory, which the media is hesitant to show. 

Hira Inam

Hello! My name is Hira Inam. I am currently a full-time student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I am a psychology major with a sociology minor. I am currently a pharmacy technician at Lake Norman regional medical center and have over four years of experience in Pharmacy. I am also the owner of my own nonprofit organization; CARA. 

CARA means “friend” in Irish. This organization aims to be a friend to those in need while building and strengthening relationships while doing so. This organization runs and supports events such as charities, fundraisers, and volunteer work. Currently, CARA is working in both North and South Carolina. 

I also own my own clothing brand called “Sherni.” Sherni means tigress or lioness in Urdu. This brand was created to honor my late father; Inam Ul Haq as he always called me his sherni and showed me bravery and courage throughout his life. 

I would like to participate in Miss Pakistan USA to help other Pakistani women pursue their goals and come out of their shells. As most Pakistani-Americans often experience a cultural barrier, this is an amazing opportunity to allow women to bring that barrier down and get rid of stereotypes.  

I would like to use my brand and my nonprofit to promote Miss Pakistan and allow Pakistani women more opportunities to continue to make a difference. With this title, I would want the opportunity to go beyond the United States and support women subjected to domestic violence and honor killings in Pakistan. Overall, I hope to use this pageant as an opportunity to enhance the image of Pakistani women and the Pakistani culture.

Bismaa Khan

My name is Bismaa Khan and I will be representing Karachi. I am currently a full-time student and a part-time pharmacy technician. I’m in college right now, majoring in health science and planning to become a pharmacist. 

I devote my free time to hanging out with my family, writing stories, and doing fun colorful makeup looks. Something I’d love to do (my passion) is makeup and hair, it’s one of my goals to be a makeup artist on the side. 

Growing up I was always connected to my roots, my family and I go to Pakistan every year so I’m very aware of the controversy we have there and here when it comes to women’s rights. 

My hope is that by participating and winning Miss Pakistan, I will be able to bring change to the way the Desi community is. This pageant isn’t just about beauty and looks, I love that Miss Pakistan focuses more on your knowledge and what you can do to better yourself as an individual, and what you will do to make a difference for our community. I believe women in this community aren’t recognized and heard enough in Western culture. 

I aspire to help these women. I want our women to feel empowered and feel strong and independent. I want to bring a difference to that and really let the voices of our beautiful Pakistani women be heard and unite us all. I believe I’m a leader as I love to take control of situations I know I can accomplish and be successful in. Miss Pakistan will definitely give me that step up to accomplish and aim to do what I want to better this community. I’d love to represent Pakistan and inspire other women to take a stance for themselves and never hold back to following their dreams. 

Sarah Rauf

Hi everyone pastedGraphic.pngMy name is Sarah Rauf; I am 21 years old and will be representing the cities of Forest, Virginia, and Karachi, Pakistan. I currently hold two Bachelor’s degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University, one in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations and the second in Chemistry with a concentration in Biochemistry and minors in Biology and Psychology. 

My main passion in life is humanitarianism, and I aspire to work in refugee relief around the world through the United Nations Human Rights Council. I am also currently studying for my MCAT and for the remainder of my gap year am focusing on obtaining experience in foreign affairs.

I am participating in Miss Pakistan USA because I feel this will open many opportunities for me to gain a voice so that I can incorporate philanthropies I already work with to this platform and tackle different issues together to make a change, both in Pakistan and in the U.S. 

Furthermore, I believe it is important for young girls to see resilient women, like myself and the lovely ladies partaking in the pageant, represent powerful female role models who can make a change in this society so the girls know that they matter.

Zyrah Alvi

Hi, my name is Zyrah Alvi. I am currently a senior majoring in Political Science, on a Pre-Law track, with a minor in Communication at Drexel University. I am an undergraduate researcher and my work focuses on gender and corruption in education and politics. I am also a competitive Bhangra and Giddha dancer (sometimes I do Bollywood). I also have had the opportunity to be the social media co-chair for Women’s Empowerment at Drexel for two years. Currently, I am the treasurer of Women’s Empowerment. 

I previously worked with The Lenfest Institute for Journalism as an Operations Intern to ensure diversity and inclusivity in newsrooms in order to serve our community with reliable news that accurately represents individuals in our society. 

I am currently working at Philadelphia Futures as a Program Intern and an organization where I work with low-income, first-generation students to get admitted to and completing their higher education. I am fluent in English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, and I am advanced in Arabic. In the future, I plan to pursue a legal career. 

I am also the co-founder of Alvi Beauty and Fashion where we create handmade products, such as tops, nails, and glosses. My sister and I also do acrylic nails and henna. We also have mixed South Asian culture with Western culture with our Desi accessories and Western accessories and lashes. Our brand promotes self-confidence and empowerment. We believe that it is important to stay confident because nobody is you, you are you, and that is YOUR power. Be the change you want to see in this world!

I want to be the change that I want to see in this world, and that is why I am so grateful to have the opportunity to participate in Miss Pakistan USA. I am representing the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Lahore, Pakistan. I have always dreamed of a place where we can all live together while embracing one another’s beliefs, cultures, traditions, values, etc. However, with the lack of representation, such change cannot be possible. I believe representation is the key here, and that is why I would love to have the chance to become Miss Pakistan USA. This title will give me the chance to have a platform that will help me take my passion and advocacy to the next/higher level. 

As an aspiring lawyer, I know that you need dignity and respect for others to take you seriously. I believe Miss Pakistan USA 2021 can contribute to the respect that I hold within my community. I have learned to stay confident and speak up whenever necessary. My goal is to always represent on behalf of those that are not present at the moment or just need a little more confidence to be able to use their voice. We all have a voice, unfortunately, not everyone can use their voice.  

I want to be able to represent Pakistani’s as accomplished, beautiful (inside and out), strong, successful, independent leaders. I chose to major in political science because I noticed the lack of representation of Pakistanis in politics in the United States of America. I want to be able to break those barriers and pave the way for future Pakistani leaders. 

As a former Miss Teen Philadelphia 2017 Finalist, I have been able to expand my reach to my local community in Northeast Philadelphia by advocating on behalf of student life, first-generation students, low-income individuals, and communities. I also have been able to have discussions around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with organizations that are willing to listen to what the people have to say in order to decrease the disparities within the system.  

As Miss Pakistan USA, I want to show our community that we are natural-born leaders just like anyone else in this country. My goal is to bring light to the disparities, such as poverty, health concerns, and inequality in Pakistan, and the United States. I hope that my efforts will someday create a better place to live in, especially for future generations.

Jessica Wilson

Hi, my name is Jessica Wilson and I am honored to be selected as a finalist for Miss Pakistan USA where I will be representing my hometown, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and the state of Maryland. 

I have lived in Maryland ever since my family migrated to the U.S. and I currently work as a Cyber Security Engineer. I received my undergraduate degree in Information Systems from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. 

For the past year and a half, I have been advocating for the underrepresentation of women of color in IT/Engineering. I work closely with women studying this field and share my journey and the lessons I’ve learned in my career. My goal is to help them gain confidence and teach them how they can use their skills to be successful in this male-dominated field. My recent work involves providing career development and confidence-building workshops to women who have a hard time finding their space in their careers. 

It is important for me to provide guidance to women because I remember being lost and lacking mentorship when I first started my career. Oftentimes, I felt that I didn’t fit in and should make a career change to a field that doesn’t have such a significant gender gap. 

Through Miss Pakistan USA, I wish to send out a message to all Pakistani women that they don’t need to fit in in order to be accepted. It’s okay to be the only kind in a crowd and sometimes you have to create your own space, regardless of your surroundings.