Arfa Tofeeq

Hello, My name is Arfa Tofeeq. I am 24 years old and live in Baltimore, MD. I currently hold a Bachelors degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Leadership and Management from Towson University. I will be attending Towson again in the Fall of 2019 for my Masters in Information Systems. I currently work full-time as an Account Manager with Maxim Healthcare for our Home Care department. 

I would like to participate in the Miss Pakistan USA pageant because it will bring me a sense of pride to be able to represent my home country. It will also help me be taken more seriously in the Pakistani community because I will be the title holder representing our country. Also, more importantly, with this title and platform I can help bring awareness to many causes I am passionate about that are affecting our country. The road to participating in Miss Pakistan USA has been fun to say the least. To prepare for the pageant I have been practicing my answers to possible questions, my talent, and getting my looks together. Regardless of which way this pageant goes I will be happy I am able to be a part of it! 

Bushra Shams 

My name is Bushra Shams. I graduated from Lake Forest College with a dual degree in Finance and American Politics.
I am currently working in International banking at JP Morgan.
I am thrilled to participate in the Miss Pakistan competition to represent the people of Pakistan in an empowered and positive light while becoming a catalyst for powerful women and change.
I have had a fantastic journey preparing my philanthropy ideas to start the Bushra Educates foundation. I have also been revising all the questions relating to my life ambitions.
Becoming Miss Pakistan would provide me the platform to a direct line of communication to the Pakistani community where I can be better connected to my people.
If I win Miss Pakistan (God Willing), my goal is to create a philanthropy to educate women, mentor women, and create powerful leaders around the world.
I currently mentor women in business and financially support underprivileged girls’ education in Pakistan.
I would like to expand my platform for all children because children are the future of this planet.

Hamda Awan 

My name is Hamda Awan, and I am a BA graduate from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  I currently work as a Clinical Support Technician at UNC Hospitals on the Cardiothoracic Step-down Unit.  As a young girl, I imagined taking on the world and making an impact for the better, so that I may be the change I strived to see in today’s society.  I’m lucky enough to say I am getting that opportunity by participating in Miss. Pakistan USA.  I hope to break barriers and boundaries for the better of all humans and hope that we can aim to create an environment we feel confident allowing future generations to strive in.  I feel that my life journey has prepared me for this moment.  Coming from humble beginnings and being one who learned the hard way, my struggles and lessons from each hardship has allowed me to be a prime example of hard work, love, and hope. Being apart of such an elite opportunity will allow me the platform to make the differences I firmly believe in and open new doors to be a voice for a progressive Pakistan and for the women who represent it. If I am honored the title of Miss. Pakistan USA I hope to help young women believe they are able to accomplish anything they set their minds to.  I aim to be an example for change that younger generations can look up to.  I plan to donate my free time to volunteering and helping charities by giving back and making a difference.  With that being said, as a well-rounded activist, I do believe there are many ways to make a difference, conventional and unconventional.  Being someone of tradition who still hopes to break barriers by doing what you love, I believe my aspirations in modeling and the entertainment industry will also allow me to rise to higher levels of inspiration and have further opportunities in life to keep striving for the betterment of all of humanity.

Inshah Bhatti

My name is Inshah Bhatti and I am representing my lovely Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. I am a full-time student in the process of completing my paralegal studies. I work as a Legal Assistant at a Criminal and Immigration Law Firm in Charlotte, NC where I aid with legal work and in the completion of immigration applications and petitions. Participating in the Miss Pakistan USA Pageant will be an enormous opportunity for me to speak on a big platform and advocate for Pakistani women’s rights. Doing so will also help me accomplish so much of the change I want to see in Pakistan in terms of the lack of resources, which is a major setback for our country. I am very excited and extremely blessed to have been considered as a finalist! Preparing for a pageant is a lot of hard work and contrary to what most people think, it requires a lot of studying as well as preparing outfits, hair and makeup because Miss Pakistan USA is much more than just a beautiful face; it requires a woman who is well-rounded. Becoming a part of this Pageant will truly be a blessing for me because not only will it give me a platform through which I can accomplish many great things for our Pakistani community in America and overseas but I will become a role model that many will look up to. Inshallah I will set an elegant and intelligent example of Miss Pakistan USA. If, Inshallah, I am given the opportunity to become the next Miss Pakistan USA I want to take my work very seriously and work diligently in accomplishing things that will benefit our community. This commitment will be taken on by me whole heartedly with dedication, pride and poise. 

  Nida Husain 

Salam! My name is Nida Husain. I have a bachelor’s degree in human biology, as well as a medical degree. I completed my residency training in general psychiatry, followed by a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Since graduating fellowship, I have been working as a pediatric psychiatrist, and currently work at a children’s hospital in Michigan.

      There are many reasons I want to participate in the Miss Pakistan USA competition. I want to be part of the group of amazing ladies that prove that a pageant is not focused on beauty alone. However, this is the first time I am participating in a pageant; so this journey has been a new experience. I am a shy person by nature, but preparation for this pageant is motivating me to further enhance my public speaking and interpersonal communication skills. I believe this is an incredible opportunity for personal growth, including building confidence and increasing self-love. I believe this pageant would enhance my (and all the participants’) image in the Pakistani community by highlighting that Pakistani women are capable of doing whatever they set their mind to. That it is possible for a Pakistani female to complete their education and still compete for the crown. Age is an area of stigma for girls in our culture. My twenties were focused on my education, but by being selected as a finalist I am proving that age is just a number. Hopefully, this can inspire and encourage other girls that is is never too late to chase your dreams. 

      If I was to win Miss Pakistan USA, one of my platforms would be to educate and address the stigma of mental health (including sexuality, sexual assault and domestic violence) that exists within our Pakistani community. Often time, mental health is pushed aside or attributed to supernatural causes such as possession. The mind and body work together, and we can not neglect our mental health.  As a psychiatrist I have the knowledge needed for mental health education, but my efforts have been limited to local mosque events. If I were to have the honor of being selected as Miss Pakistan USA, I would be able to reach a larger audience. Mental health is often a taboo topic, similar to pageantry. I would also like to change the perception our community has regarding pageants. If I were to have the honor of being selected as Miss Pakistan USA, I would like to highlight this and show our community it is possible to uphold your beliefs while competing for the crown.

 Rida Ali

My name is Rida Ali, I’m doing English Literature (BA). I would like to participate in this pageant because I would like to boost my confidence. My confidence will increase because participating in the activities and challenges during this pageant, I will be forced at times to be out of my comfort zone and have to present myself in front of strangers. By participating in this pageant I will become a confident Pakistani women, ready to help my fellow Pakistani community especially Pakistani women. Through this Pageant I will become a little more known among the Pakistani community and it will be easier to be reached out. I would like to assist my Pakistani females. As our culture is not yet that open minded about women, and women also do not have a voice as much. I would like to be that voice and help them get a voice.


Ramsha Khan 

Ramsha Khan-Currently in university pursuing my Undergrad in Entrepreneurship-Currently working full time as a banker for JPMorgan Chase

I believe that everyone has the power to do something great. Miss Pakistan USA is giving me an opportunity for me to present myself as who I am and inspire other women (and men) to also do wonders as themselves, NOT by pretending to be someone they’re not. I’d like to spread love, give hope and remind everyone that they’re unique and no one can replicate them. 
So far, I’m absolutely loving the journey. Every day I strive to be better than I was the previous day. I’d like to bring self-love and self-care to the pageant. I continue to remind myself to not be hurt in case I don’t win and simply have fun with this incredible opportunity. I’ve never been a part of a pageant before so I’ve been preparing well for it. 

Too many women (and men) in the Pakistani community are still looked down upon (unfortunately). Many Pakistanis in Pakistan are unable to speak up for what they believe in or are too afraid to step out of their shell and run after their dreams. I’d like to represent Pakistan as a country full of dreamers and achievers. I’d like to inspire Pakistanis all across the world and give them hope to stand up for themselves and fight for their dream. 

If I won the title of Miss Pakistan USA 2019 I’d leverage it to inspire and help the community and society all across the world. I want to create an army of powerful and ambitious leaders. If Ramsha, a small girl with big dreams can do it, then what’s stopping everyone else from chasing their dream? I’d like to use my story to empower others to write their own 🙂 


Rowail Khan 

Hello,My name is Rowail Khan, I am 22 years old and I am representing both Westminster, Maryland and my birthplace Karachi, Pakistan. I have a liberal arts education from McDaniel College where I recently earned my Bachelors in Psychology and Biology. I have experience in the health sciences and am working towards my goal of becoming a physician. Currently I am working as a Residential Rehabilitation Assistant for those who have behavioral and mental disorders. I am also actively running my own non-profit organization, To Love, Learn, & Heal- TLL, which I founded in 2014. In the future, I hope to support the basic needs and social welfare of impoverished and vulnerable women and children in Pakistan through TLLH.


 Growing up in America I have had a lot of culture taught to me by my parents and I am a huge fan Pakistan. There is so much more to the country than what is being portrayed and I want to be an advocate for how amazing the culture, the people, and the country truly is. Being a part of the Miss Pakistan USA pageant is an opportunity like no other. I am extremely humbled that I am getting the chance as a finalist. It is really exciting that through this platform I will be able to share with not only the Pakistani American community but the also the American community why it is that I love my country so much and how important it is to empower women.  I also want to be able to show girls that there is no specific background that you have to come from to be able to represent your country in a pageant and that anyone who sets their mind to it and has determination can make a difference no matter how big or small! 

Rubbiya Charania

Hello! My name is Rubbiya Charania. I am a general dentist currently practicing in New Jersey after having had completed training from Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine and a residency program at Jacobi Medical Center in Bronx, NY. I am passionate about helping others and improving their lives, both in my career and otherwise. My participation in Miss Pakistan USA is a means through which I have been able to embark on a journey of personal growth. Being in this pageant thus far has taught me about the importance of self reflection as well as the ability to know your strengths and weaknesses. I hope to use my journey as an example to the Pakistani community that despite what society dictates, you can pursue and achieve your dreams and still be tied to your cultural roots and morals. If I won the title of Miss Pakistan USA 2019, I would work with charity organizations addressing the needs of underserved women and children, particularly in the oral health field. I would strive to raise community awareness of the importance of oral health, as well as educate on prevention of disease and provide resources for those in need of assistance. I hope to make the Pakistani-American community more hopeful not just with regards to their health but also their quality of life.

Sapna Jawid Piracha

 My name is Sapna Jawid Piracha. I have bachelors in Robotics and Automation Engineering and a masters in Business Administration with focus in Data Analytics. This coming fall in September, I will start my second masters in Industrial Engineering and a course at Harvard Business School, ultimately leading up to doctorate. After serving as an Assistant Manager at Toyota Motors Islamabad and an MEP (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing) engineer on the design team of New Islamabad International Airport, I currently work in management of the University of Massachusetts, responsible for strategizing international recruitment and positioning of the institute in global market. As a committed advocate for women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) I am an aspiring advocate for women in STEM and technology entrepreneur with my first product in the survey phase.

Currently, I am obtaining my license as a wilderness first responder.

Platform has power, and rightfully so. It fuels the purpose, pushes you be the best version of yourself and amplifies the reach. I would like to participate in Miss Pakistan USA because Just like any ambitious and able person who dreams to change community and lives around, it is my utmost wish to be able to use this prestigious platform to not only be an inspiration for women especially those of Pakistani diaspora but to also build a bridge of inclusiveness of both cultures, and be seen as a torch bearer of advocacy. My deep passion for community service and advancement for women will foster even further if given this platform. There is a misconception about the image of women in pageant world and the fact that aesthetically bold women sit at a far length from technically challenging fields and I am ambitious to change these ideas. Pakistani fashion, heritage, aestheticism, brains and women are extra ordinary and I want to advocate that. Miss Pakistan will put me on a forefront and let my voice be heard, and actions be seen.

The preparation of pageant has been a true personality building and development track for me as it is and should be for all aspiring finalists. The pageant has been pushing me to be the best version of myself through aligning all that I have done my entire life, the causes that I believe in and my aspirations as an active global citizen with doable actions that can be witnessed and a voice that can be heard. This entire process has forced me to push past my boundaries and seek a reflection of myself that is worthy of being recognized and seen as Miss Pakistan USA; a representation of a true hybrid – a Pakistani woman with an inseparable American spirit.  This platform is an opportunity to give my social work a concrete frame, nourish my body and mind, set goals, eat right,  stay optimistic, polish my talent and skillset, and maintain a routine. I got a chance to deeply analyze and hypothesize my community service to get accurate results, facts and numbers. One example of this journey has been launching my website that has been in the back end work and design for past 11 months. An interesting part of this journey has been curating the looks for external representation in terms of fashion that best describes the spirit and struggle of Pakistani woman that accomplished many of her global aspirations in the beautiful United States while advocating Pakistan’s rich presence in the world. This entire journey has been a very uplifting and positive influence and push that I am deeply humbled and enthusiastic about. Thank You for creating this platform!

This platform as I stated above has a power of presence, influence, community and outreach. Its biggest gift is in community connections and access to likeminded presence that not only believes in this pageant and its cause but thoroughly support it. This pageant will help me enhance my name and presence by introducing me to a wide range of public that expects and is opinionated, and rightfully so. I intend to use this attention to drive change and advocate. I am a huge supporter of social media and have already garnered a wide audience with whom I connect, share and seek inspiration regularly. This pageant will help me enhance my digital presence that will give my voice more power to reach and affect the audience, specifically Pakistani audience to whom I am capable and passionate to not only give but to also connect on a deeper and profound level.



Zahab Kamal Khan 

Zahab Kamal Khan Enrolled in graduation program “Physical , Professional squash player ,Certified Level 1 squash Coach .Certified Model at ( John Casablancas Modeling & Acting Agency) Ceo of Zahab Neha foundation. I believe Miss Pakistan USA is a perfect platform for me. If i was  to win the title of Miss Pakistan USA 2019 ,  I  can accomplish my dream title of ”Guinness world record” for the longest hair. Being a  professional squash player, I am the only player holding title of longest hair in sports category which is (5′ 3″). I have represented many countries along with my home country Pakistan and secured a title of the longest hair in sports category. I have been preparing myself by working on my confidence. I have set goals for myself which I hope to achieve in a short span of time before the Pageant.  Signing up for this pageant is a great opportunity to achieve a great platform.  It will be a great opportunity to honor my country if I win this Pageant. I am  very ambitious to work for the youth on their Education,Sports and health . If i win this contest ,  I will carry the title with honesty , loyalty and sincerity. My aim is to help those who are always in need of goods, money, counseling and awareness. I  want to become a role model for them.