Aika Qureshi

My name is Aika Chaudhary. I am 41 years old and a blessed mother of three amazing children. My background education is in Criminal Justice but my true passion is in Cosmetology. Currently, I work for a prestigious car manufacturer, Volkswagen. Originally born in Lahore, Pakistan but have been living the last 40 years in this great country we call America. Growing up as an Pakistani American, I have always been connected to my culture. I want to become part of the first Mrs. Pakistan because of women empowerment, power and having pride for being a Pakistani woman. Our women have always been considered a step behind from a man but in today’s world, Pakistani American women are amongst the most educated and strong-willed. I, being a divorced woman myself have realized that I do not need a man to support me. I have become a more independent and successful person all thanks to the support of my family. Through this pageant and my story, the Pakistani community will know how Pakistani women can grow and be successful in any field of life. Not only in profession but as a Mother as well. If I win the title of Mrs. Pakistan, I would like to be the voice that will motivate women who are afraid to show their strengths. Help them know what their rights are And especially know how beautiful they really are. We are all united thanks to our phenomenal motherland, which we call Pakistan.

Khizera Tariq

I was born in Pakistan and moved to the U.S at the age of 12 and vividly recall some wonderful memories growing up in Pakistan, which I miss to this day. A part of me wishes to recreate the Pakistan I recall here in the U.S. and another part of me feels it is my responsibility to represent Pakistan and Pakistanis in the U.S. In fact, due to this very reason while working full-time in a fortune 100 company to later becoming a new mom to twin boys, I founded Lahore Valley to Lehigh Valley Entertainment with my older sister after my college years in hopes of providing entertainment for the Pakistani community close to home including spreading cultural awareness & engaging with the broader community. Becoming part of this pageant will open doors of opportunity on a larger scale where I would be able to reach a larger audience. I have recently moved to Northern Virginia from a small town and a close-knit community in Pennsylvania where I have lived since my move to the U.S in 2006. Although this was a big change for me I found it exciting due to the huge Muslim & Pakistani community I see here. I believe this pageant will allow me to get more familiar & involved within the Pakistani community here similar to how I did back in my hometown with volunteering & collaborating efforts with local mosques/organizations, Pakistani communities, and local colleges/universities as well as being the Newsletter Chief editor at one time for Muslim Association of Lehigh Valley in PA. I have always had the vision to create a name for the Pakistani community here in the U.S. Although, I see many have or continue to make a tremendous effort but I also know many who wish to be more involved but don’t have the right resources or guidance to do so. I wish to inspire and guide many more who wish to make a difference much like myself as our communities can certainly benefit from it. In addition, I strongly believe living in this great nation: “the United States of America”, it is imperative we get more involved outside of our communities in hopes of bridging the gap. I have a few ideas and I hope this platform will provide me the help and support needed to move forward with the vision, Insha’Allah (God willing).

Moazzma Hunain

My name is Moazzma Hunain and I am from Lahore, Pakistan. I was raised in New York and received my B.B.A. degree in Human Resources Management from the City University of New York, Baruch College. I currently reside in Dallas, Texas with my husband and my two daughters. Apart from being a full-time mom, a few months ago, I decided to take my passion for connecting with people and started a personal Instagram blog. Here I am able to connect with people of all ages from all different parts of the world. My platform allows me to empower young women as they see my journey as a wife, a mother, a homemaker, and a woman who loves what she does, and is working towards her dreams. It has always been a lifelong dream to inspire people and touch their lives in a positive way. I want to become Mrs. Pakistan USA so that I can empower women to be independent leaders who thrive in their societies regardless of their marital status. I hope to build a network of strong, independent women who are dedicated and driven to make a difference in the world. I feel honored to have the opportunity to represent both my countries, Pakistan and USA, as I have always considered myself to be a very patriotic and proud Pakistani-American Muslim woman. This pageant will give me the platform that I need to make my voice be heard on a much larger scale, and allow me to get in touch with foundations to help make an impact in the lives of many more people. My goal is simple, I want to win People’s Hearts

Kiran A R Quadeer.

Masters in Skin!– Your current occupation Medical Esthetician– Why would you like to participate in Mrs. Pakistan U.S.A Pageant I am a single mom and a Survivor of domestic violence, I would like to be a role model for my children and my country! I believe I hold the qualities and capabilities of making positive difference, and would have a much stronger voice against domestic violence.– How will becoming Part of this pageant help you enhance your image in the Pakistani communityBy becoming a part of this pageant it goes to show that I continue to strive for better future for me and my children and will continue to make a difference in the community, by empowering and inspiring other women to never give up and keep moving forward.– What would you do if you won Mrs. Pakistan U.S.A TitleI would continue to work towards making a positive difference by spreading awareness, that we as women need to support each other to be strong and successful. My champion is to help women who might be facing challenges due to domestic violence. I will empower and encourage women to stand strong, independent, pursue their dreams and never give up.

Saeeda Sharif

Saeeda Sharif went straight into work mode right out high school and took some part-time classes at BYU in Utah ( ended quickly due to a basketball injury and returned home) – Your current occupation Planner / Day of Coordinator for events Founder of BajiBond a nonprofit for women and children ( has not been launched yet)– Why would you like to participate in Mrs. Pakistan U.S.A Pageant I am living proof of anything is possible. I’ve had to fend for myself and would like to be an example for the future women of Pakistan to know that anything I possible. I participate not only to show other contestants this core mission but all others. Never stop believing in the desires of YOU. And be a driving force to motivate them to pursue endless possibilities.– How will becoming Part of this pageant help you enhance your image in the Pakistani community I don’t think just entering alone is an enhancement in the Pakistan community. I believe I will only BE recognized through my win and then taking action to make a difference. But will I seek to continue my voice/mission absolutely!– What would you do if you won Mrs. Pakistan U.S.A TitleI would take the honor to travel to Pakistan / and different States in USA to make a difference seek opportunities for events and meetings to be able to interview/speak and even roll up my sleeves to work to side by side to educate the women against bullying, rights, abuse, Independence keeping what matters most to build their foundation as a family unity and as an individual. I want to do as much to not only have the honor of Mrs.Pakistan, however, have Pakistan love me so much that I will become Pakistan’s Sweetheart through my deeds.

Bushra Queraishi

My name is Bushra Queraishi . I am currently pursuing a masters in Social work and Mental health at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. I have been running my business for the past 14 years as a preschool owner and am an educator by profession. I am passionate about social and mental issues in our community. And I continue to spread awareness through my radio show on Intense DMV radio and the through my podcast on Patari. The reason I want to participate in Mrs. Pakistan USA is to highlight the role that Pakistani women play in the progression of our youth ,families and communities. I also want to bring forth the struggles and challenges that many of these remarkable women face in order to survive and thrive in our society. Furthermore, I intend to take upon a leadership role in collectively inspiring other women to explore opportunities and build bridges for each other. The Mrs. Pakistan USA Is a respectful and solid platform for women to represent their talents and capabilities. I’m interested in engaging more with the Pakistani community and creating productive positive projects that will enhance our image as a community rather than as an individual. Therefore, my goal is to help our community In improving our image as a group of positive, educated and productive citizens of society. I’m an active community and social worker and I am currently leading many freelance projects to help individuals and families in dire situations. If I were to become Mrs. Pakistan USA it is my goal to create and provide learning/growth opportunities for youth in underprivileged areas in Pakistan and in our Local communities Here in Washington. I believe That in order to change the fate of any nation it is important to Inspire and educate the youth. It is essential to give them a dream and a solid goal they can work toward.

Nida Jamal

Assalam AlaikumMy name is Nida Jamal. I was raised in New York. My family is originally from beautiful and humming city of Karachi, Pakistan.I now live in Virginia with my family. I have a Masters degree in biochemistry and I am a full-time mom to five beautiful children under nine. I am involved in humanitarian work and actively work for several charities. I feel passionate about women’s empowerment projects and feel strongly about giving back to my community.I decided to run for Mrs. Pakistan because I want to bring diversity to this pageant and break the stereotype about women in hijab. Although running for the pageant is something that is outside of my comfort zone but by becoming a part of this pageant I hope to empower and inspire other women. If I win Mrs. Pakistan USA title there are many things I would like to achieve. I would like to use this platform to introduce and highlight many of the charities which do not get the attention they deserve. I would also like to change the image of Muslim women that the western media portrays.