Zaima Khan is from New York and is 25 years old. Her ambition in life to is to explore the world on foot to experience various cultures, people, and sights. – “Wherever you go, becomes a part of you somehow”
Zaima strives for her parent’s ongoing happiness, they are who she is today; kind-hearted, passionate, and determined.
Ziama’s describes her ” A few months ago I visited Pakistan after 7 years for a friends wedding. Once the week long festivities wrapped up I stumbled across the application of Who wants to become the next Miss Pakistan, instantly I knew this was a new chapter that I want to embark on. I look forward to opportunities that allow me to experience new places, meet new people, and set a positive example for others. It is such an honor to be representing Pakistan in a international beauty contest, and this is why I want to be the next Miss Pakistan”